Indonesian, Russian naval drills conclude
INDONESIAN and Russian navies concluded the Orruda Joint Training’s sea phase in the Java Seas off Surabaya. The inaugural bilateral naval exercise ran for five days from November 4-8. Aside from the sea phase, a harbour phase would take place in Surabaya.
An Indonesian Navy statement read, “the joint training closing ceremony took place on the sea, and Russian Navy ships participating in the agenda directly sailed to their base.”
The Indonesian Navy sent the Martadinata-class frigate KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai and the Diponegoro-class corvette KRI Frans Kaisiepo and an AS565 helicopter while the Russian Navy deployed the Steregushchiy-class corvettes RFS Gromky, RFS Aldar Tsydenzhapov, RFS Rezky and the RFS Pechenga tanker vessel.

Also, a diesel-electric Varshavyanka-class attack submarine carrying Kalibr-PL cruise missiles conducted a port call in Surabaya, along with a rescue tug Alatau on the way to link up with the Pacific Fleet.-shp/adj/dl (Pix:TNI-AL)