Malaysia Joint Forces Commander, Lieutenant General Suhaimi Mohd Zuki
September-October 2019

The Malaysian Joint Forces Command (MJFC) is responsible for the execution of domestic operations that consist of Op Pasir in the eastcoast of Sabah and global operations such as the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), International Monitoring Team–Mindanao (IMT–M) in Philippines and humanitarian missions such as Op Starlight in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. The Malaysian JFC is also responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing all joint, integrated and combined exercises. It is anticipated that the JFC, which was set up in 2007, will be involved in more multilateral exercises in the future. On occasion of its anniversary, ADJ talks to JFC commander, Lt Gen Datuk Suhaimi Mohd Zuki, who spoke about future direction, cooperation with other agencies, as well as modernisation plans to bolster MJFC’s command and control capability.